Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bunny Butt.

Bunny Butt., originally uploaded by jess sully.

This is what Flynn thinks of my utter lack of posts lately.
Sorry! I've been helping my dad move into his new house (which, by the way, is amazing: so jealous!) and we haven't gotten the internet back up yet.
But I promise: updates by Friday. That's when I'll be moved back into Grand Rapids.


The Bunns said...

Yay! It's Flynn ... Agynn!

Anonymous said...

i like bunny butts and i cannot lie

Deb Cushman said...

What an enjoyable little bunny bottom to watch in the meantime!

d. moll, l.ac. said...

Cute butt you got there Flynn!!! Hope you had a good move, Jess. That's quite a double major, but you are a smart girl if you like rabbits!

Anonymous said...

Eek!! What a cute little tail Flynn has!!! I love playing with bunny tails :D lots and lots of fur, and a teeny, short tail underneath it all, lol!