Saturday, November 15, 2008

Working on his disapproving face.

Trying to sleep, here!, originally uploaded by jess sully.

I disapprove of mismatched socks in front of my cage!
I disapprove of mismatched socks on my doorstep.

What are you looking at?
Don't you dare zoom that thing in.

I dissaprove of being spied on.
What?! How dare you disobey me? I dissaprove.


Anonymous said...

you're doing a great job disapproving Flynn!

RG said...

You are a big phoney Flynn!

d. moll, said...

He is going to be a fantastic disapprover with all that practice.

YowlYY said...

Flynn, you're so young but you surely don't need anyone to teach how to disapprove. I will now slowly retreat in a dark corner and nurse my wounds...

Anonymous said...

hey flynn! you are gettin real gud at dis-hopproving!!! we rexes are the BEST dis-hopprovers! i assume you have been to, right?! (:3

Anonymous said...

Wow Flynn, you're good at disapproving! How does Jess sleep at night with such strong disapproving vibes emanating from you?? :D